Survey Analysis

r-knowledge ggplot2 google-APIs

Key skills for survey analysis in R

Bryan Blanc

This content was presented to Nelson\Nygaard Staff at a Lunch and Learn webinar on Thursday, September 2nd 2021, and is available as a recording here and embedded below.

Today’s Agenda


Many different types of projects across sectors use surveys to elicit information from the general public or a more specific stakeholder group. Some projects will use multiple surveys over time to measure performance on some key metrics within a specific population (e.g., an annual commuter survey) in relation to longer term objectives.

Often, Nelson\Nygaard will develop and distribute the survey instrument using a web tool like SurveyMonkey, Maptionaire, or even a custom purpose-developed tool. Other times, a client may give you access to data from one or more surveys.

Across these different situations there are some common skills that can be used to analyze surveys both within R as well as outside of it. This module will touch briefly on each of a variety of critical skills – some survey analyses may use all of these, while others may use only one or two.

Today we are going to use results of the 2020 commuter survey conducted annually for the Slabtown neighborhood in NW Portland (Oregon) as part of a Transportation Management Association (TMA) program to demonstrate survey analysis techniques.

Some gaps in this module that could be covered in a future one if there is sufficient interest:

Setting up and/or using a data dictionary for automated analysis

You’re going to need to download the files associated with this module to view the Excel files shown in the recording. The files are available as part of the GitHub repository for this site.

In the above recording, I will talk about the assembly of the data dictionary (or schema) from the raw SurveyMonkey results. Note that only a subset of the SurveyMonkey results are included here, both to protect respondent privacy and to simplify this demonstration.

After assembling the data dictionary, we are going to load the resultant tables in to join with the raw survey data. After pivoting the survey data to the long format, and then joining the several dictionary tables, we have a cleaner dataset to analyze for the rest of the demonstration.


#Need to skip column headers, will attach them via join
raw_slabtown_data = read_excel("data/slabtown-2020-commuter-survey/raw-2020-survey-results-subset.xlsx",skip=2,col_names = FALSE) %>%
  clean_names() %>%
  #Respondent ID column must be called out explicitly to be left out of pivot
  rename(respondent_id = x1)

column_defs = read_excel('data/slabtown-2020-commuter-survey/slabtown-2020-simplified-schema.xlsx', sheet = "column_defs")
questions = read_excel('data/slabtown-2020-commuter-survey/slabtown-2020-simplified-schema.xlsx', sheet = "questions")
answers = read_excel('data/slabtown-2020-commuter-survey/slabtown-2020-simplified-schema.xlsx', sheet = "answers")

clean_slabtown_data = raw_slabtown_data %>%
               names_to = "column_label",
               values_to = "answer_text") %>%
  #Removing empty cells from dataset
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(column_num = as.numeric(str_replace(column_label,"x",""))) %>%
  left_join(column_defs) %>%
  left_join(questions) %>%
  left_join(answers) %>%
  mutate(open_ended_text = replace_na(open_ended_text,TRUE))

Geocoding respondents

This section repeats skills discussed in the previous Google APIs training.

The first thing you need to do when using the googleway package to geocode text describing geographic locations (in this case, zip codes) is to set your Google API key. More information about how to set up a Google API key is provided in the previous Google APIs training.

#Using an API Key set up for NN R training -- please use your own API key below
set_key('<YOUR API KEY HERE>')

After you have set your API key, you will want to compose a text string to geocode, and then run it through the geocoding function. To reduce the number of queries we are using, we can group respondents by ZIP code and just geocode the ZIP codes. Finally, I created a map to visualize where the survey respondents’ home location ZIP codes are.

slabtown_respondent_zips = clean_slabtown_data %>%
  #Refer to questions table to get correct question_id
  filter(question_id == 5) %>%
  #We're going to use just the ZIP code
  filter(col_subheader == "ZIP/Postal Code") %>%
  select(respondent_id,answer_text) %>%
  rename(zip_code_raw = answer_text) 

zip_code_locs = slabtown_respondent_zips %>%
  group_by(zip_code_raw) %>%
  summarise(num_respondents = n_distinct(respondent_id)) %>%
  arrange(desc(num_respondents)) %>%
  mutate(geocode_results = list_along(zip_code_raw))

for(i in 1:nrow(zip_code_locs)){
  z_string = zip_code_locs$zip_code_raw[i]
  res = google_geocode(z_string)
    address_components = res$results$address_components[[1]] %>%
      unnest(types) %>%
      filter(types != "political") %>%
      select(types,long_name) %>%
    loc = res$results$geometry$location
    res_tibble = bind_cols(loc,address_components)
    zip_code_locs$geocode_results[[i]] = res_tibble

zip_code_loc_geom = zip_code_locs %>%
  unnest(geocode_results) %>%
  #Looks like there is one bad ZIP code that got geocoded to Germany -- this could be manually corrected in responses if possible
  filter(administrative_area_level_1 %in% c("Oregon","Washington")) %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("lng","lat"), crs=4326) 

slabtown_geocode_res = google_geocode("Slabtown Portland, OR")
slabtown_marker_geom = slabtown_geocode_res$results$geometry$location %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("lng","lat"), crs=4326) 

leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
  addCircles(data = zip_code_loc_geom, radius =~ num_respondents*10,
                   weight= 0.25, color='white', fillOpacity = 0.5, opacity=1,
             fillColor = "blue",
                   highlightOptions = highlightOptions(weight=1.5, fillOpacity = 0.8),
             label=~paste0(postal_code,": ",
                           scales::comma(num_respondents,accuracy = 1)," respondents")) %>%
  addMarkers(data=slabtown_marker_geom, label='Slabtown')

Simple multiple choice questions

When analyzing surveys, I differentiate between simple and compound multiple choice questions.

Compound multiple choice questions actually have multiple questions being asked – in this example, the question asking about what commute mode is used each day of the week is actually seven sub-questions. These are analyzed differently, as we still want to analyze the sub-questions as part of one research question, rather than individually per day of week. These will be analyzed in the following section.

Simple multiple choice questions are just a single question. They do, however, come in two broad categories – 1) single selection and 2) multiple selection (you can pick multiple options). Multiple selection (but still simple multiple choice) questions are also analyzed slightly differently, as each respondent can respond more than once. We’ll proceed through a single selection question and a multiple selection question below.

Single Selection

Single selection simple multiple choice questions are the easiest to analyze. You are typically seeking to understand the proportions among the respondent pool who selected each response. I will typically order the responses in descending order of frequency unless the responses have an inherent order (which I call ordinal when I put together the data dictionary). There are some other plot formatting techniques used below I will discuss in the recording, and you can also refer back to the EDA/plotting module.

summ_responses = clean_slabtown_data %>%
  filter(question_id == 1)  %>%
  group_by(simp_answer_text) %>%
  summarise(num_respondents = n_distinct(respondent_id)) %>%
  mutate(prop_respondents = num_respondents/sum(num_respondents)) %>%
  arrange(prop_respondents) %>%
  #Wrap text for long responses to better compose plot area
  mutate(simp_answer_text = str_wrap(simp_answer_text,40)) %>%
  #Set up factor so that responses appear in descending order of frequency
  mutate(simp_answer_text = factor(simp_answer_text,ordered=TRUE,levels = simp_answer_text))

num_respondents = sum(summ_responses$num_respondents)

  geom_col(fill = ft_colors('claret-40')) + coord_flip()+
                     name="Proportion of Respondents")+
  geom_text(aes(label = percent(prop_respondents,accuracy = 0.1)),
            nudge_y = 0.03, size=3,
            color = ft_colors('claret-40'),
       title = questions$question_text[questions$question_id==1],
       subtitle = paste0("N = ",num_respondents))

Multiple Selection

Multiple selection questions can be analyzed similarly, with one slight difference. You are also interested in understanding the proportion of respondents who selected a particular response, but each respondent can select more than one response. So instead of dividing by the total number of responses to calculate a proportion, you will want to divide by the number of unique respondents.

sub_responses = clean_slabtown_data %>%
  filter(question_id == 3)

num_respondents = n_distinct(sub_responses$respondent_id)

summ_responses = sub_responses  %>%
  # We will look at open ended text for this question later in module
  mutate(simp_answer_text = ifelse(,col_subheader,simp_answer_text)) %>%
  group_by(simp_answer_text) %>%
  summarise(num_responses = n_distinct(respondent_id)) %>%
  mutate(prop_respondents = num_responses/num_respondents) %>%
  arrange(prop_respondents) %>%
  #Wrap text for long responses to better compose plot area
  mutate(simp_answer_text = str_wrap(simp_answer_text,40)) %>%
  #Set up factor so that responses appear in descending order of frequency
  mutate(simp_answer_text = factor(simp_answer_text,ordered=TRUE,levels = simp_answer_text))

  geom_col(fill = ft_colors('claret-40')) + coord_flip()+
                     name="Proportion of Respondents")+
  geom_text(aes(label = percent(prop_respondents,accuracy = 0.1)),
            nudge_y = 0.03, size=3,
            color = ft_colors('claret-40'),
       title = str_wrap(questions$question_text[questions$question_id==3],60),
       subtitle = paste0("N = ",num_respondents))

Compound multiple choice questions

With compound questions, we might be interested to understand both the proportion of respondents who selected each response and the proportion of particular responses within a sub-question. I will demonstrate both plots below.

sub_responses = clean_slabtown_data %>%
  filter(question_id == 2)

num_respondents = n_distinct(sub_responses$respondent_id)

summ_responses = sub_responses %>%
  select(respondent_id,col_subheader,simp_answer_text) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(day_of_week = str_replace(col_subheader," - Travel Mode","")) %>%
  group_by(day_of_week,simp_answer_text) %>%
  summarise(num_responses = n()) %>%
  #Calculating both
  mutate(prop_responses = num_responses/sum(num_responses),
         prop_respondents = num_responses/num_respondents) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(day_of_week = factor(day_of_week,ordered=TRUE,
                              levels = c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"))) %>%
  group_by(simp_answer_text) %>%
  mutate(mode_total = sum(num_responses)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(mode_total) %>%
  mutate(simp_answer_text = factor(simp_answer_text, ordered=TRUE,
                                   levels = unique(simp_answer_text)))

ggplot(summ_responses, aes(x=day_of_week, y=prop_respondents, fill=simp_answer_text))+
  scale_fill_manual(values = as.character(ft_colors()[4:12]))+
                     name="Proportion of Respondents")+
  guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Commute Mode", nrow = 4))+
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size=8))+
  labs(x="Day of Week",
       title = str_wrap(questions$question_text[questions$question_id==2],60),
       subtitle = paste0("N = ",num_respondents))
ggplot(summ_responses, aes(x=day_of_week, y=prop_responses, fill=simp_answer_text))+
  scale_fill_manual(values = as.character(ft_colors()[4:12]))+
                     name="Proportion of Responses")+
  guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Commute Mode", nrow = 4))+
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size=8))+
  labs(x="Day of Week",
       title = str_wrap(questions$question_text[questions$question_id==2],60),
       subtitle = paste0("N = ",num_respondents))

Open ended questions

Open ended questions are the most laborious to analyze in any survey. As a general survey design principle, they should be minimized to the greatest extent possible. And yet, they can sometimes be useful for understanding respondent preferences you might not have thought of prior to designing the survey. Below are some approaches for making use of open ended question responses.

Reasons for Driving

Two most common strategies – 1) word frequency analysis and 2) category binning. Other more complex strategies include sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and others discussed in detail in the book Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach. Frequency analysis makes sense to do in R, topic binning is a better Excel task because of its mostly manual nature.

open_ended = clean_slabtown_data %>%
  filter(question_id == 3, open_ended_text==TRUE)  %>%
  select(respondent_id,answer_text) %>%
  #split out sentences into words
  unnest_tokens(word,answer_text) %>%
  #Remove stop words

common_words = open_ended %>%
  group_by(word) %>%
  summarise(num_respondents = n_distinct(respondent_id)) %>%

# A tibble: 10 x 2
   word     num_respondents
   <chr>              <int>
 1 car                    2
 2 commute                2
 3 distance               2
 4 20                     1
 5 30                     1
 6 becuase                1
 7 bus                    1
 8 camas                  1
 9 changed                1
10 covid                  1


Similarly, we can see common employers by doing a word frequency analysis below. We will again probably want to bin these response into categories.

open_ended = clean_slabtown_data %>%
  filter(question_id == 4, open_ended_text==TRUE)  %>%
  select(respondent_id,answer_text) %>%
  #split out sentences into words
  unnest_tokens(word,answer_text) %>%
  #Remove stop words

common_words = open_ended %>%
  group_by(word) %>%
  summarise(num_respondents = n_distinct(respondent_id)) %>%

# A tibble: 20 x 2
   word       num_respondents
   <chr>                <int>
 1 xpo                     84
 2 logistics               64
 3 meketa                  19
 4 zapproved               19
 5 investment              15
 6 prometheus               7
 7 bird                     5
 8 estate                   5
 9 feet                     5
10 fleet                    5
11 mama                     5
12 pdx                      5
13 real                     5
14 breakside                4
15 pistils                  4
16 cream                    3
17 employed                 3
18 fifty                    3
19 ice                      3
20 licks                    3

Further resources


DataCamp Courses

This content was presented to Nelson\Nygaard Staff at a Lunch and Learn webinar on Thursday, September 2nd 2021, and is available as a recording here and embedded above.