Work Share Session 2


Highlights from Cascadia R Conference, Drafting a Route Profile Dashboard, Hex-bin Statistic Mapping

Bryan Blanc

This content was presented to Nelson\Nygaard Staff at a GIS Hangout on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021, and is available as a recording here and embedded below.

Today’s Agenda

Highlights from 2021 Cascadia R Conference

I (Bryan Blanc) attended the main, non-workshop segment of the 2021 Cascadia R Conference on Saturday, June 5th, 2021. Esther Needham and I presented regarding our work on the King County Metro/SDOT iteration of the Bus Delay Analysis Tool (BDAT). There were a number of talks that introduced me to packages I was unaware of, as well as educational resources, and I wanted to highlight those for NNers below. I am working on getting recordings of talks (including our own) I found particularly germane to our work and resources I link to below. I will update this page as I get ahold of recordings.

Here were all of the sessions of the main conference day:

Educational Ideas and Resources

A number of the talks focused on R education, both within the context of an agency/firm as well as a more traditional (university/college) educational context.


There were a bunch of packages I didn’t know about that either presenters at the conference had created themselves or they mentioned in the course of their presentation. I have tried to catalogue all the ones I noted below for further investigation.




Paul Leitman’s Workshare

Paul will share the draft StarMetro route profiles webpage he’s developing for the StarMetro COA. He will share details on adding icons to a leaflet map, and other details about reactivity of the leaflet maps. Code is saved here: G:\Current\STARMETRO_2021_Update_2020.0099\R\star_metro_route_profiles

Ulises Hernandez’s Workshare

Ulises will share the suitability analysis implemented to identify potential locations for the expansion of the Cap Metro Bikeshare system in Austin. He will share details on how to create a hexagonal grid and intersect different feature types (lines, points and polygons) to create individual indicators. Code saved here: (work in progress, so might not be the easiest to read). G:\Current\CAP METRO_MetroBike_Strategic_Exp_2020_0955\R\cap_metro_bike_expansion_atlas_maps_20210420.R

This content was presented to Nelson\Nygaard Staff at a Lunch and Learn webinar on Wednesday, June 9th, and is available as a recording here and embedded at the top of the page.