Work Share Session 1


First workshare session where R users at NN share project work.

Bryan Blanc

This content was presented to Nelson\Nygaard Staff at a Lunch and Learn webinar on Wednesday, March 17th, 2021, and is available as a recording here and embedded below.


Paul Leitman: Transit Data Cleaning

Description: Clients often share data with us that requires a lot of manual clean up or reformatting to turn it into a useable dataset for summaries and visualization. I will share two examples of where two clients provided data in Excel that was not in a format that could be used for analysis, and were too large to manually clean up. I was able to quickly re-format the data sets in R so that they could be used.

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Ulises Hernandez: Origin-Destination Trip Mapping

Description: Spider lines or OD lines are a common way to visualize travel patterns. We often need to produce spider line maps showing point-to-point trips or trips aggregated at a specific zone (e.g., block groups). A staple example of this is a paratransit spider line map or workers OD using LEHD data. I will go over how we can use R to produce these types of maps. I will walk through this script from the Norman City paratransit system. I might screen-share a couple of older scripts to show a few learning experiences/best practices.

Relevant Links:

Esther Needham: BDAT’s Project/Treatment Creation Feature

Description: The newest feature of our speed and reliability dashboard (BDAT) is the ability to code treatments on selected segments, implemented for the King County Metro and SDOT dashboard. The dashboard allows users to create custom lines based on segments by splitting segments up on the fly. Users are also able to drop points onto segments. I’ll walk through the code used to do this and explain the use of several different packages to work with geographic data for this purpose.

Relevant Links:

This content was presented to Nelson\Nygaard Staff at a Lunch and Learn webinar on Wednesday, March 17th, 2021, and is available as a recording here and embedded at the top of the page.